A wedding circus



The death of rebelliousness

Born as a middle class citizen, do some music, playing some art. What is an art, what is music? Am I an artist? Am I a musician? Art and music is there already, people already like it, and what in the earth make me called myself an artist. Naive! Let’s say according Genesis. P. Orridge , I am a cultural engineer, It is in the cultural pot of society , as is television and internet.

Because in the world today, what will surprise us next, while even a punk yell that they play an anarchy song, they still have to learn a three chord and make them ( sorry..) a part of western slave music industry, and all western popular music was derived from feudal slave music. And therein lies a problem of ours (third world country) and the ideology of western music. Go on!

And some people do some art on the street but they still take a form from a western mural industry, and they put ‘ i am a rebel’ in their art work, some say they were underground, they were straight edge, but surrender their self becoming a slave of the system once more. Why don’t we took a conveyor belt, the factory, the power station, and mass-produced luxury goods as the stepping-stone for the form of the art and life and experimented with that rather than guitars, canvas, installation, turn table and so on. This mean we had to look beyond traditional equipment.

Everything is about learning to think.

It’s about being part, It’s the stars. It’s the universe. There’s nothing there. The world is not meant to be good or bad, black or white, one or zero, It’s not binary. It’s chaos.

If you want to be something, do something, it is about being destroy, it s about fight. We should enter an imagination about what will surprise us next. It is not about a game of expectation. Expected is an enemy, why should I give them respect? Why should I admire? If it is just to be the first one to know than other? If it is not the truth? At the point that creative energy becomes fully predictable and formulized, the flickering spirit of the divine is extinguished and camouflaged conservatism take over.

Since a industry revolution in Europe, people try to be to engaged more to technology, and the third world country become the most hungry mass about technology. It is an unlimited world, and the system becoming an utility to make a very huge capitalism superhuman robot. I have to be honest and confess that I have a great hatred and also big passion for digital culture. I think popular culture and capitalism, should be trying to generate opportunities for a truly psychedelic and hyperdelic expansion of consciousness towards the creation of an experience that could not recorded at anyway.

That’s been lost! All excitement that I felt in the beginning of the 90’s. Now it all just a repetition, and the movement is a bullshit! It is all about continuing the system. The art, music, fashion and all what they called ‘The Kingdom of Rebel’ is dead, and why I entered to this world?, did I pass you any legacy to this and to do that. You were born free! An art should be sexy, rebellious, hate and love, a holy thing. The things that I couldn’t go out and buy it anywhere. Something that I couldn’t see it in television or any magazine or probably in any site of the internet.

Just like when I reach a flyer about a gig, and then I knew all the DJ, I knew all the software and the playlist of the song, the visual they use as a background, the types of the font in the flyers, the people, even I could imagine what kind of move and how I would dance the dance floor, and I was thought “ Why should I go? Why on earth I have to go to this?”

The same thing when I was invite to an opening exhibition, and I could imagine what the works would be like, a same drawing, same music outside gallery, same beer, same cheap vodka, same people. Why should I come? The joy of true creativity is the exploration of the unpredictable. The passion of nothingness, desire.

The beauty is in the chaos.

Isn’t life is fun?, Isn’t life is chaotic, why we always try to fix it, to pursue it into a system?


Peri lobi-lobi 2007

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