A wedding circus

Archive for April, 2007



I feel sad i don’t know why

Iya, malam,
tv yang membosankan, teman yang tertidur,
anjing yang mengulurkan kepalanya minta elusan.

Saya merasa sedih

Tiba-tiba semuanya berubah menjadi gelap
berubah menjadi menyedihkan.
Segala yang menyenangkan akan mengikuti hukum kumparan.
Merubah segalanya menjadi menjadi novel-novel bersampul warna-warni
dan berlabel harga Rp.20.000,-

Saya berniat mabuk…

Saya hanya tidak mau itu. Saya mau semuanya seperti dongeng.
Istana batu dengan bunga-bunga, kuda putih bertanduk, laut yang selalu biru,
Hutan dengan sejuta peri.

Itu pun hanya sebuah buku bersampul tebal, dengan ilustrasi pensil warna yang indah

Saya tidak tahu lagi dimanakah saya berdiri
Antara realitas dan khayalan.
Antara yang palsu dan yang nyata.
Antara yang ada dan tiada
Antara hasrat dan mimpi

Mungkin ini hanya simulakrum

Mungkin saya menciptakan sendiri simulakrum ini.
Antara rasa takut akan kehilangan, dan keinginan untuk berkuasa
Saya ingin dia selalu ada, betapa bodoh
Tetapi saya juga ingin tetap seperti sekarang

Karena saya tidak berpijak dimanapun.

Saya berada di zona bebas, di bawah suaka negeri antah berantah
Di mana segalanya setara,  kesadaran dan ketidak sadaran hampir tidak berbatas
Lalu saya dapat membiarkan diri saya hanyut
Sampai entah dimana dan kapan.
Dan saya dapat membiarkannya untuk pergi ke laut yang selalu biru
Sampai entah batas dan tepinya

Saya tidak jadi mabuk, dan teman saya terbangun

…mau kopi ra?

anjing saya tertidur

tv tetap membosankan

I feel lonely i don’t know why…


Perasaan yang aneh, aneh sekali. Bagaimana mungkin? Ini hanya sebuah simulakrum
Dunia tanpa makna,atau realitas sudah tergantikan. Sanggupkah sebuah dunia yang sesungguhnya
menggantikan nafas, dan membentuk hembus untuk setiap engah?

Semua begitu nyata, rasa, kehadiran. Kehadiran yang terwakili dalam bentuk huruf demi huruf.
Tapi itu telah terjadi, berjuta huruf melayang tanpa batas, tanpa waktu, tanpa tuhan.
Benarkah, menggantikan zat dengan kemayaan. Kita akan melalap habis semuanya.

Tahun-tahun akan menjadi saksi, ketika zat tidak lagi membutuhkan tempat berpijak.
dan ruh akan terbang melewati kabel-kabel transmisi, satelit dan menembus ruang bagaikan hantu.
Ketika sihir-sihir kuno menjadi kenyataan, dimanakah kita akan berpijak?
Pembuatan citra, penghancuran nilai, dan saya akan berkaca pada sebuah cala ibi…
Apakah saya benar benar ada?

Yeah, i feel lonely i don’t know why…my friend



Seukur tubuh kita, sepanjang alam berada.
Untuk larut, menceburkan diri dalam maya?

Biar saja ada, biarkan lepas
Untuk kembali menggapai tanah
Untuk bangkit
Untuk meneriakkan kemenangan atas tubuh
atas raga yang tidak lagi ada.

Hasrat yang memecahkan atom
Membangun ego hingga sebesar katedral.
Secara fiber optik menghubungkan dunia dengan setiap impuls ego.
Bahkan menyepuh mimpi paling membosankan dengan fantasi-fantasi berlapis emas,
hingga setiap manusia menjadi kaisar yang bercita-cita tinggi untuk menjadi
tuhan bagi dirinya sendiri.

Tak terpuaskan
tapi dia akan bangkit pada hari ketiga
untuk meneriakkan kemenangannya



<self narrative>
the house of natural fiber, Yogyakarta New Media Art Laboratory 2006 – 2007
Videowork & Electronic Music Festival


Pada era 1995 – 2006, anak muda telah memasuki sebuah era dimana segala yang berbau digital adalah dewa. Kisah –kisah perayaan dan pemujaannya membuat kita terlena. Arus globalisasi dan derasnya kucuran teknologi telah membuat kita masuk ke dalam sebuah kultur baru yaitu noise culture, dimana penempatan teknologi sebagai sang maha mebuat semua orang saling berteriak bahwa aku adalah teknologi, teknologi adalah aku, proses- proses berinteraksinya satu aku dengan aku yang lain terjadi secara pemaksaan karena penggunaan teknologi yang berlebih-lebihan.

Pemaksaan – pemaksaan identitas yang dibentuk lewat teknologi menimbulkan sebuah kebisingan tanpa tersadari.
Bentuk – bentuk kultur baru ini menimbulkan sebuah kebisingan semu, yang jika dibiarkan akan mengikis secara perlahan identitas- identitas diri. Sebuah bentuk perlawanan harus datang, techno culture yang menjadi dasar dari perkembangan kultur ini harus berubah fungsi, penggunaan teknologi sebagai bentuk resistensi bukan teknologi sebagai aku. Teknologi adalah dirinya sendiri, dan manusia adalah manusia. Bentuk resistensi ini akan mencetuskan gagasan baru dalam bentuk teknologi digunakan sebagaii penandaan akan keakuan, kedirian dan kekinian.
Penyampaian identitas dalam bentuk kediaman ( silence culture ), dimana proses penyampaian identitas dan keakuan disampaikan tanpa proses noise. Dalam hal ini penyampaian bentuk keakuan disampaikan lewat karya seni, proses kolaborasi dan penggunaan teknologi; videowork dan musik elektronik.
Proses interaksi pun terjadi tanpa lewat hingar bingar dan pengadaptasian adanya identitas satu dengan yang lain terjadi tanpa proses pemaksaan. Masing –masing diri berhak menyerap penawaran identitas. Kebebasan proses penyerapan akan terjadi, karena seperti yang dikatakan Roland Barthes ( Image, Music, Text  tentang the death of the author),maka ketika pihak pertama menyampaikan gagasan tentang identitas, akan terjadi suatu punctum yang kemudian berkembang di benak pihak kedua berdasarkan pengalaman pribadinya sendiri tanpa adanya proses pemaksaan dari pihak kedua sehingga timbulah sebuah proses yang berlangsung secara tenang dan hening.

Peri lobi-lobi

COUMWHERE ( Asia transmission)

16-kecil.jpgAny aspect of contemporary society in southeast Asia, from music, art, fashion to the running of a grocery store, to the conducting of world politics an etc, it has become necessary to analyze such phenomena in technological terms. Disregarding this fundamental reality of our present age will only lead to a future of self-serving isolationism or total irrelevance, as the inexorable forces of technological development affect and alter of the west to the life of south east Asia environment.
The people here find their selves at a turning point as the people in the transmission. They maybe realize that the history of their civilizations is a transition from the security of the industrial revolution to the seeming of insecurity of the technological revolution that bring from the west.
The more they try to hold on the past attitudes or practices, whether they try to be political, commercial, artistic, or whatever, the more complicated and less manageable their live. New technological realities have basically changed forever the relation between those who have traditionally controlled the population and the mass.
This all bring the new era of consumerism in South East Asia. The globalization bring them to a new dream. Their happiest dream about being high technology human, where they can truly live with technology and understand.
Which is the valid viewpoint? In fact, this new era is based on the idea into the classical frame ‘if’ west and east meet. But the situation bring them into a trade between the west and east. The global market of east and west bring them in the thirst of technology from the east area.
And while their mind and self will be vastly more labile than in the past, much of what they value such as knowledge, traditions, memory and thought maybe never be lost or lost forever. This maybe the rise of Post human era.
Technology is not only the subject of our projects, but also a powerful tool, that allows us to be truly synergistic with other art forms. Why we must limit ourselves to only one medium? Through mixed-media projects, we hope to expose and excite new minds. The idea is continuously celebrate the hybrids of culture, to take a new adventures and built a hope of enhancing creativity.

Peri lobi-lobi 2006


Kamu adalah penipu…kumparannya tetap sama.

Saya tetap berada di kiri Yesus.

Dan neraka katanya…

Apa yang telah saya katakan,
saya mengatakan apa yang seharusnya, selazimnya dikatakan manusia.
mencoba untuk tidak munafik, untuk jujur.

Bukankah saya akan mati sebentar lagi…
Kau, saya dan dia.
Ini bukan parodi..saya juga berkorban, sama.
Berkorban agar kau tetap yang terkudus.
Agar kau yang termulia.

Dan sayalah yang terhina.

Semoga saya dimaafkan…


kecil.jpg Nothing was holy to us. Our movement was mystical, communistic nor anarchistic. All of these movements had some sort of programme, but ours was completely nihilistic. We spat on everything, including ourselves. Our symbol was nothingness, a vacuum, a void (George Grozz on Dada) – Subculture the meaning of style, Dick Hebdige.


In the late of 90’s is the era of reconstruction of the teen ideology. The 80’s is over. The youngsters try to looking for a new form. They were stacked in a boring time. The economic was changing rapidly; the globalization was nonstop presented a pop culture. But it seems that everything is floating.

 Then suddenly the movement showed up from the underground, the concept of ‘ Do it Yourself’ as a new identity of the youth culture. This movement actually based in Europe during the 80’s, but in Asia and another third country it is just started in the  late 90’s and in the beginning of 2000.

The subculture slowly tried to identify them. And they started to make anything that can mark who they really are. From the punk culture to club culture, alternative media, fashion, music with a certain movement they start to make a sign. Subcultures represent noise (as opposed to sound) interface in the orderly sequence which leads from real events and phenomena to their representation in the media. We should therefore not underestimate the signifying power to the spectacular subculture not only as metaphor for potential anarchy ‘out there’ but as an actual mechanism of semantic disorder; a kind of temporary blockage in the system of representation.

Subcultures are not ‘cultural’ in this sense, and the styles with which they are identified cannot be adequately or usefully described as ‘art of a high degree’. Rather they manifest culture in the broader sense, as systems of communication, forms of expression and representation. They conform to the structural anthropologist definition of culture as ‘coded exchanges of reciprocal messages. In the same way, sub cultural styles do indeed qualify as art but as art in it particular context ; not as timeless objects, judged by the immutable criteria of traditional aesthetic, but as appropriations, ‘thefts’, subversive transformations, as movements.

 This is what distinguishes the visual ensembles of spectacular subcultures from those favored in the surrounding culture(s). They are obviously fabricated (even the moods, precariously placed between the worlds of the straight and the deviant, finally declared themselves different when they gathered in groups outside dance halls and on sea fronts). They display their own codes or at least demonstrate that codes are there to be used and abused. In this they go against the grain of a mainstream culture whose principal defining characteristic, according to Roland Bathes, is a tendency to masquerade as nature, to substitute ‘normalized’ for historical forms, to translate the reality of the world into an image of the world which in turn present it self as if composed according to the evident laws of the natural order’ (Barthes, 1972)

Subculture therefore will be a counter culture for a pop culture. A resistance for the youth from a capitalism ideology. A manifesto from the young idealism.

Walk the line of a subculture is not an easy. If we do not starting from now, so who will be start to walk? If we do not make a sign who will be make a code for us? Or we just give up to the strength of capitalism, and to be a robot for a giant system. So come with us to holy land. NEVER! NEVERLAND!

(Peri lobilobi, 2006)



Rebeliousness : rebel like you rebel like me



In the corner of a dark streets in front a club that play drum n bass, a boy standing in the corner, Mohawk hair, full tattoos, nails all over his belt and a dirty face. He smile at me, the smile look innocent, and friendly eyes.



Then he gave me a bottle of cheap vodka, ask me to drink. With a little doubt I drink it and damn! the taste is horrible, he get a bigger smile and laugh so hard. And so I laugh. We are laughing together. Then he said in a whisper “ keep the faith buddy ”.

I said “ Let’s go inside, I treat you a beer”

Then we go in to the club. Look at us, me an mtv generation, hedonism adore, party goers, wearing a reebok shoes, nike bags, levis pants, donna karan perfume, distro shirt, zara skirt walking with a punkers that never going to the mall, singing an anarchist song, and anti capitalism ( o, really ? ). What a contrast world.
In the club, a lot of people there, some looks like me, some  looks similar with that boy, the rest are some gay couples, grunge, gothic, etc. The music is change into gothic punk and we melting in to the crowd all night, getting warm with glasses of beers,  yelling and swe
at. Back at three o’clock in the morning, promise to meet again for the next gigs.


At home, with a bad headache because of too much drink I try to sleep, but I just remember a word that punk boy told me, keep the faith. So try to looking for what kind of faith that I have hold on to? In this confusion of political suck issues, do I have believe in my president? Or do I have believe in Mr.‘right’ Bush? In this globalization era do I have believe in mc.donald rather than rice. Do I still believe in god than mtv ? Then I fall asleep.

 It is always a same question for us , the youth. The pathology of the new kids is familiar: impatience, distrust of authority, malaise, and a wistful, ironic sense of longing for defunct ideals and lost horizon. A man and the environments gets a sign from a symbolic construction. We find ourselves at the turning point in the history of our civilizations. The more we try to hold on  to the past attitudes, traditions or practices, whether they be political, commercial, artistic, or whatever, the more complicated and less manageable we find our lives.

At such a point in time, we must rethink the role of individual  in this global society and must encourage new social experiments which try to establish creative, positive approaches to this brave  new world of us.

After the second war the youth of the world find a better language to express their feeling ‘Rock n Roll’. It was much more than a form music. A product of the childhood of the technological  revolution. It is the world’s youth; who always fought for the wars without having any say in this decisions. With an ever expanding network of media possibilities, this new generation grabbed onto the gold key offered to build a new and idealistic ideology which spread like wildfire throughout the world, a new frontier, culminating no less an office than the president of United States. Rock ‘n’ Roll was the language and the spirit, social reform was the massage. Since Rock ’n’ Roll, the foundation of music has been social relevance. From civil rights to the environment, from anti war movement to the awareness of global communication power, the hippies passed this legacy to the punks, who took the battle to the streets, fighting for the working class, for jobs, for the homeless for food. Rock ‘n’ roll and punk cultures routinely considered as losers and dropouts from society, they were derided because their lifestyle did not match current standards or codes of acceptability.

 In here in 2006, we talk the same language with our own way. Trying to celebrate our youth with the same rituals. Rock n roll and punk culture transforming in to techno and club culture. The future of the world belong to us, it is our duty to live in, to take care of it. The rebel nation still continues, fighting for peace and justice for today and tomorrow.

There we are punk, rock ‘n’ roll, techno, grunge, alternative, party slave, kids of all nation have only one word to say : desire


Play this game right!

No difference between black and white

The difference is between young and old…

Turn it up and see what happens

The game is drawing to a close

So it looks as good a time

As any to ask the final question: What does the future hold for us?

 Bring it down to ask for the coming back…

If the kids are united they’ve got 80,000 in the bank

And they don’t know how to live!

I used to work in a club where they never came to dance … fuck them up!

Kids are united and they will never be divided!

(atari teenage riot)


Peri lobi lobi 2006





harlequeen-kecil.jpg   TIDAK

Seandainya kamu tidak hidup, kamu adalah milikku

Sayangnya kamu juga tengah merayakan kehidupan, terbius dalam sesenggal nafas

Ya ya ya kamu hidup

Tapi aku merindukannya

Tidak mungkin,untuk berkata tidak.

Walaupun aku ingin, seingin kamu untuk juga berkata iya.

Maaf aku tidak menghormati keberadaanmu

Ingin menguasaimu, ingin membelutmu

Sayangnya kamu terlahir sebagai manusia.

Sayangnya aku adalah aku.

Bukan Sang Lain

Sayangnya wacana itu ada, dan sukurlah semua itu menjadi tabu dan semu.

Ya, kamu adalah manusia yang ingin kulumat.

Dan kutaruh di salah satu relung tubuhku.

Hmm..semoga ini kesepian sementara

bunga-darah-kecil.jpg A JUDAS KISS

“… and lead us not into temptation , but deliver us from evil.


Kamu datang juga, akhirnya…

Kamu harus datang karena kita sudah berjanji dan karena kamu adalah bagian dari diriku.


Kamu pun tersenyum.

Yayaya saya pasti datang, kamu sudah menungguku.

Dan kamu menciumku seperti biasa, mencumbuku di sofa, terengah-engah kehabisan nafas, merokok, mengambil segelas bir, semuanya seperti biasa.

Aku sangat mengenalmu, bukan.

Tiba-tiba kau berpaling menatap dan menggeleng.

Siapakah kamu?Terhenyak aku di sudut sofa, kupakai semua pakaianku.

Kulemparkan gelas di tanganku penuh marah, tersungkur dan pecah berantakan di bawah kakimu.

Tetap saja engkau tersenyum. Siapakah kamu?

Aku berteriak..Aku..aku ..aku..kamu masih menanyakan aku?


Aku adalah bagian dari dirimu, nafasmu, hidupmu, segala yang indah dari duniamu

Tidak, siapakah kamu.

Siapakah kamu, bisikmu pelan di kupingku dan mencium lembut leherku.

Aku, oh kenapa aku tidak bisa menjawab

Kugeleng-gelengkan kepalaku, terdiam dan terisak.


Mengapa menangis

Apa artinya diriku bagimu?

Yang ku tanya adalah siapa dirimu

Kamu tau aku tak bisa menjawab


Aku tak tau

Diriku hanya berarti untukmu


Kau begitu dungu, dan kamu menciumku sekali lagi di mulut

Ini karena aku mencintaimu

Kamu menusukkan sebuah pisau di lambungku


Kamu akan terus hidup

tanpaku atau tanpa tubuhmu

Dan aku sungguh-sungguh berterimakasih padamu

Sang Judas adalah malaikat, dia membukakan pintu surga bagiku